Not making money? Despite doing “everything”?
read this.
Many times I am approached by people who have tried “everything” in order to make money in their business, but… aren’t. When I ask what they’ve tried, they admit to spending (often) thousands of dollars — even tens of thousands — on this coach or that program, and following it “to a T” only to have disappointing or even financially devastating results.
Of course, they compare their $0 business revenue to the GLOWING testimonials of the course or program they bought and they feel like it MUST be them. It’s not. (Check the websites of those who left testimonials for them. See if the person YOU bought from is ALSO offering THEIR raving fans a raving fan testimonial.)
It’s at this point that I introduce my sidekick, Captain Obvious… and I ask questions LIKE:
✅ Tell me about the last ten people you tried to sell to…
Response ALWAYS includes some form of social media messaging and NEVER includes names of people they have invited to buy.
Lesson: When you personally invite people to buy from you, you make money. Social media is a TOOL, it is NOT a business, a strategy or a super sneaky sales technique.
But -but -but…. I’m trying to SCALE, you say…
Woman, with $0 in sales you don’t have anything to scale. SALE then SCALE. That’s the way it works.
✅ What are you doing in order to sell?
Response usually includes a VERY detailed plan for how to
1) increase number of “fans”
2) increase engagement
3) make a free #linkinbio offer
4) drive them to linktree where they can then choose which link they want to click
5) they land on your landing page which offers them the FREE offer so you can get them on your list
6) so that you can then get them into your 5-part email series to
7) increase your authority so that you can then
😎 hit ’em up for the sale.
Back in my day, before “internet marketing” became all the rage, we would call this SALES FRICTION. It is actually a very detailed plan that creates distance between the seller and the buyer. I know it’s “the way it is,” but consider this for a moment…
Imagine you go to your favorite coffee shop. You drive up to the drive thru window, thinking, “I need some coffee right now,” and they redirect you to another window. Rolling your eyes, you oblige.
At the second window, you try to order, but instead of TAKING your order they show you their latest — redesigned — menu and go over their NEWEST drink. Being polite, you look it over… but — in the end — you just want your damn coffee.
Again, you try to order your coffee, but they put an ipad in your face and insist you FIRST sign up for a FREE email series that will teach you how to make your OWN coffee, which you do… but at this point, you’re pissed. FINALLY, you think you can order, but they announce that they’re no longer taking orders because they’re in launch mode… but invite you to a webinar later that day.
Lesson: SALES FRICTION is bad.
SALES FRICTION is anything that is cluttering the path between a paying client and the service they want to buy.
YOUR JOB is to frequently — and aggressively– remove that clutter and DEFEND against new clutter being added.
THIS is the way money is STILL Made,
online AND off.
Anyone teaching otherwise is full of it.
✅ What is the most obvious thing you can do right now to sell (whatever it is that you sell?)
the OBVIOUS answer will NEVER be some complicated funnel that BEGINS on IG or Facebook, and avoids 1:1 conversation. EVER.
If it’s make up… invite people to try it. If it’s coaching, invite people to try it. If it’s a digital program, tell people why they should buy it or invite people into a conversation about what they could stand to gain by being in your program. If it’s legal services, share information that will serve your market and invite a phone call to discuss it further. If it’s surgery, introduce yourself to primary care physicians who are likely seeing the problem you solve and give them a specific and easy way to refer to you. If it’s bookkeeping, hold “town halls” about the bookkeeping mistakes entrepreneurs make most often and schedule office appointments with people who can’t afford NOT to have you correct these mistakes.
When I am planning a strategy for ANYTHING…
I look for the MOST obvious solutions…
and I test EVERYTHING through the lens of “natural and logical:”
Is acheiving my goal
the natural and logical outcome
of what I am doing right now?
If it is NOT…
I fix what I am doing.
P.S. I am planning some 1:1 options for women entprereneurs soon… The REASON I am doing this may surprise you. (It has everything to do with migraines and medicine that permits me to DO 1:1 work again.) Stay tuned….
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