I used to think that the problem with “niche-ing” our business was an issue of being afraid to limit our income. The “What if I say I only work with dentists… and then a podiatrist comes my way?” sort of thinking….
And, as an aside, I still think that part of the reason we really resist “niche-ing” — at least in the traditional sense of the word — is that we don’t want to limit our income. I think that’s part of it.
But the bigger part…
the part that really has us digging in our high heels of resistance…
is the fear of limiting OURSELVES…
of boxing OURSELVES in
as entrepreneurs,
as women,
as experts.
I mean, I LOVE all things business…
Sales, marketing, copy, blogging, all of it….
But I also love MINDSET stuff…
and just plain WOMAN stuff.
YES…. I focus on entrepreneurial women…
and creating wild success without compromise…
But in truth, I chose that focus because it allowed me to bring the fullness of who I am to my community. That “without compromise” portion of business success is NOT ONLY what I love so much about being a self-bosser, but also what allows me to bring in the wife stuff, the mom stuff, the FULLY EMPOWERED WOMAN stuff, even the sex stuff.
I “niched,” in other words, according to the fullness of who I am today, leaving room for growth and shifts and pivots that are sure to come tomorrow.
A Niche doesn’t have to limit, friend.
Do it RIGHT and you don’t have to keep RE-branding, and pivoting and switching taglines and swapping out your business cards (if you use them)… you just niche around YOU.
The fullness of you.
Not the one-dimensional,
easy to package,
simple to tagline,
version of you.