Have you ever wondered HOW the heart just goes where it goes? How a parent can love a child no matter what? How Jesus’ heart could go to those who tortured him… even up to death on a cross? How SHE could love HIM…. or vice versa?
or…. let’s get to the real point:
(YOUR market)
LEANS IN towards one voice…
a voice you may SECRETLY believe is…
inferior to…
less knowledgeable and
less experienced
than your own????
I know I am hitting a nerve, here.
Stay with me.
the solution is below.
The heart just goes where it goes.
It’s a mystery, really.
Like a magnet that just naturally STRAINS towards one direction, and pushes away from another.
all goes by the wayside.
I’ll be 42 years old tomorrow.
And I am a different person than I was even 3 months ago.
But here is what I know:
No matter how GOOD you are
at dotting your i’s, crossing your t’s.
No matter how fancy your funnels,
no matter how brilliant your quotes,
no matter how connected your network,
no matter how polished your brand,
no matter how available,
no matter how technical,
no matter, no matter, no matter…
You can’t EARN their love.
Just like in “real life,”
the heart of a MARKET just goes where it goes.
you’ll NEVER be able to DO enough,
for LONG enough
to EARN the heart of your market.
The good news is…
you’ll never have to.
The easiest areas of my life
are the ones in which I just get to show up
and be myself.
For instance: I never TRIED to get Chris to love me.
I just showed up.
He would either love me or not.
He did.
Not because I was doing anything in particular…
but because I just WAS.
It was a heart thing.
Unexplainable, really.
If I had to EARN it,
I could try forever
only to one day come back to the TRUTH
the heart JUST goes where it goes.
You can NEVER make “them” love you.
In fact, the more you TRY
to pull someone’s heart towards you,
the less likely it is.
Think about it.
those of you who have been with me for a long while…
(or even for a short while)
can you IMAGINE me trying to be SILLY
to earn your attention or applause?
Can you IMAGINE me putting on a suit…
to look business-y?
Can you IMAGINE me networking and making small talk at some business networking event?
You can’t.
It’s not me. THAT crap would be me
obviously and pitifully
TRYING too hard…
as a direct result
turning you OFF.
This is what happens too often in business.
We try to be something we’re not…
trying to do ALL the things,
BE all the things,
trying to EARN our way into the hearts of our market.
As if we don’t know…
that we can’t make them love us.
ALL we CAN do,
is show up,
ruthlessly and unapologetically
Daily Unashamed,
of all that makes us … us.
all that makes us different and unique.
ALL we can do is shine.
And for the RIGHT market,
YOUR market,
the right people,
this is MORE than enough.
YOU are enough.
But the MOMENT we TRY and PUSH to be WHATEVER IT IS we think they’ll LOVE…
we’re acting in vain.
We’re going off course.
We’re wasting time (and probably money).
So, over to you…
WHERE are you trying too hard?
Where are you PUSHING when you should just be SHINING?
Because pushing and trying and pretending…
my friend…
is heart breaking.
It undermines your confidence.
It DULLS your natural brilliance,
and reduces your MAGNETIC pull
to those who WOULD have LOVED you,
if ONLY they knew who you truly were.
If ONLY you had shown them.
Of course, a magnet has two sides.
It works to ATTRACT on one side,
to mysteriously,
pull in the RIGHT stuff,
and it works as a repellant on the other side…
pushing away those things that are NOT aligned.
Both are gifts.
BOTH are required for freedom in your business.
(And also, in your life.)
So, where are YOU trying too hard
to earn the attention, applause or love of your market?
And are you willing to stop that heartbreaking game? If so, message me. I want to open the doors of Women Who WOW to you… a place where seriously driven women come to
Your heart,
your hustle,
your hurts..
your wins,
your hurdles,
they’re all welcome here.
HERE — we’re building business success on our OWN terms.