If you happen to be on my email list, you know that I’m pushing my 21-Days of Biblical Truths for Modern Day Success… HARD. (It also comes with a 14-day faith walk BONUS, called Faithfully Empowered.) Message me if you want the link to buy. (it’s cheap.)
I have sent FIVE sequenced emails to my list,
unashamedly asking people to buy.
I even did a formal, 3-day email series, a marketing “asset” I have honed and perfected over the years.
I offered another, full, standalone product as a bonus.
I did all the things. And we’re NEARLY full even though we don’t start for another week.
I’m telling you this because I NORMALLY don’t push a program this hard. The probably-shouldn’t-admit-it truth is this:
I’m a little “precious” about Women Who WOW. I love the program. I love the women within it. The energy, the vibe. The love, the camaraderie. I love the shifts and the massive up-leveling I see in our members every day.
And so I flat out
to beg people to join Women Who WOW.
I have never offered a free month or a $1 trial..
And I NEVER will.
Frankly, if you can read our invite language and “still have questions” or “need to speak with me in person” or have ANY HESITATION whatsoever,
I typically just send you on your merry way.
Instead of doing sales calls (For less than $1000 for an ANNUAL coaching container… that isn’t even sustainable) I just say something along the lines of, “I’ll be here when / if you’re ready. Until then, enjoy my free content.”
For WOW, it has ALWAYS been a hell yes or a hell no scenario. Meaning, if it’s not a HELL Yes from you, it’s a hell no from us. 😊 I even wrote this as a response to women who were on the fence: https://www.bmichellepippin.com/hell-yes-hell-no/
Admittedly, as I type this, I DO know that I could be enrolling far more women into Women Who WOW if I were willing to REALLY run the launch race with membership.
I am NOT willing.
So, why THIS program? Why am I fully running the full launch race for my 21 Day Biblical program? Why am I repeatedly asking people to join, maybe even annoying and / or offending my email list?
Because this program is not mine at all.
I’m not precious over it.
It’s literally Biblical, admittedly with my personal “take” on all the things, but still wholly Biblical.
While it comes with a MUCH LARGER responsibility (teaching the Bible over teaching Marketing, mindset and sales), I press on.
I’m FULLY CONVICTED that this program is what entrepreneurs need RIGHT NOW, something of an anchor in the storm, something that has the power to “right the ship,” something that encourages and empowers in a way that KEEPS encouraging and empowering.
And so I can’t NOT do all I can to get it into the hands of those who need it most, who could benefit from it most. If you are interested, message me and let me know. If you know someone who is interested, let THEM know. We start March 27th and I think we have 12 spots left.