There are all sorts of women entrepreneurs.
The MOMpreneur, who’s promised her hubby that she’ll go back to work once the kids are all old enough to go to school. The HOBBYpreneur who loves to play business and has a great deal of fun with it. The WANTRApreneur, who loves what being an entrepreneur looks like from afar, but up close is a bit repulsed by the sweat and furrowed brow of the daily hustle. The DRIVEN entrepreneur, who creates a solid brand, reputation and income in her field… often times employing others and making steady gains year to year.
But there’s a NEW sort of woman entrepreneur rising up.
She’s untethered to the rules of her industry.
She’s unfazed by circumstances.
She’s unafraid to go big and is — in fact — enraged by the mere suggestion of remaining small and experiencing groundhog day in business, in life or in love. .
She’s UNSATISFIED by business as usual.
And she’s UNINTERESTED in the status quo.
This new sort is calmly confident.
It radiates from her as she challenges industry norms… not with her words, but by just doing things her way — without explanation or apology — and winning.
People can follow suit, or not…
but she’s not waiting around to find out what they choose.
This new sort has a core business, sure.
But she’s always building, always creating something new.
The world,
and especially her business,
is her canvas.
And she’s throwing more paint on it daily.
Her training or certifications may say she’s a lawyer, or a chiropractor or a coach or a photographer or a yoga instructor.
But she’s so much more, and she’s NOT ABOUT to let the world pigeon-hold her to just ONE limiting title.
This new sort of woman entrepreneur is a change maker, an opportunity creator, a disruptor. She’s strong and wildly, recklessly independent.
She’s leading the way.
She’s burning ships.
Her eyes are always forward.
Her feet are always taking new ground,
while her arms — strong for the task —
grope backwards to bring as many others with her as are courageous enough to step forward.
This NEW sort of woman entrepreneur is what I call seriously driven. Driven by her NEED, her INSATIABLE DESIRE to create life and business ON HER TERMS.
She’s rebellious, not for the sake of anarchy, of course…
but because the majority are always wrong.
About money,
about marriage,
about kids,
about success,
and certainly…
about business.
She’s simple.
and strong.
This new sort of woman entrepreneur is stubborn.
And legitimately grounded in her value.
She has nothing to prove, leaving her free to create without entertaining — or even considering — the court of public opinion.
She’s tapped in FULLY to the feminine, and she YIELDS it with an authentic grace.
And loyal.
And genuine.
And is creating WILD success (in income, impact and influence) that is BEYOND what most consider “reasonable.”
And she’s doing it all without compromising on the things most important to her:
Her identity,
Her family,
Her faith,
Her values,
Her health, and
Her home.
THIS is the RISE of (new) woman entrepreneur. If you ARE one, leave a comment. If you KNOW one, send her to us over at