When business income isn’t what you want it to be… or when it’s far below what you NEED it to be, it might be time to look at IF and HOW you may be sabotaging your own success.
I’m not talking about your mindset (although that matters) or any other “under the surface” intangible. I’m talking about where your ACTIONS may be holding your business and your income back.
If you’re ending 2013 NOT MEETING the BIGGEST and BEST goals you set coming in to the year, see if any of these are at play:
- You are moving so fast, follow up with prospects is tough to “fit in.” (Slow down to cash in!)
- You hesitate to ask for the sale or to follow up on “maybes” because you don’t want to be pushy. (Study sales. And learn to sell in a way that SERVES your market. You wan to orchestrate ways to be a welcome guest, not a pest.)
- You take everything in your business personally. (Thick skin is REQUIRED for wild success. This isn’t something you have to be born with. It can be developed.)
- You tolerate incompetence. From vendors, employees, clients. As a matter of fact, you tolerate a lot. (Stop.)
- You often email / call to convert prospects to sales. When you don’t get a response, you email again. (Change it up. Call.)
- You think just being on social media is a good thing. But you can’t tell me the last sale you made from your time on line. (Measure. Do what works. Stop what MAY be wasting your time.)
- You tell me you’re not busy because you have no work/ clients / customers. (Um…. when you have no work / clients / customers, you should be VERY BUSY INDEED. Remember: Your primary function in business is to CREATE work, clients, customers. If not you, who?)
What would you add? What are some other sales and success sabotage tactics you’ve used or seen others employ? Let’s create a comprehensive DO NOT DO list. =)