Happy Saturday! I know many of you guys catch up on your “BLOG ROLL” on Saturday, so I decided to give you a fresh, random post on three “secrets” I’ve learned as a business owner over the past 13 years or so.
1) There’s only ONE shortcut to financial success in business. ONLY ONE. Here it goes: Make a list of your top or last 20 clients. Beside their name, write down EXACTLY how they became a “lead” for you – originally. THEN, write down a quick synopsis of how you converted that lead to a sale. FINALLY, do MORE of what got you those 20 sales. Do what WORKS again and again and again.
2) Peer pressure is still very very very much alive in the adult world. Yeah, I was surprised too… especially since peer pressure disgusted me so much even when I was a kid. Business owners do so much, keep themselves SO busy, doing things that DON’T provide any measurable trackable benefit to their business that it scares me. And MUCH of this is because they see their peers doing it. They don’t want to “miss out.” Yuck. Refer to #1. Do what WORKS. Not what you see your peers doing. And CERTAINLY not just because you see them doing it. If they jumped off a bridge, would you? =) lol….
3) The number one “common characteristic” of “regular” business owners… with small staffs and low overhead… bringing in six and seven figures each year is this: We RUTHLESSLY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY restrict distractions during our work day. And it’s SCARY how distracted we are as a group of business owners “up to something.” Limit distractions and access to you and watch your income go up. It’s really that simple. It just takes some kahunas to do it.
Enjoy your day! For on Monday, we work! =)