One of the most common emails I get from women entrepreneurs who find me online goes a little something like this,
“Michelle, I’ve been reading your posts and feel like you’re speaking to me. I’m a ________ and have been in business for ______ number of years / months. I’m doing everything you say to do, but my income isn’t budging. I’m in a situation where I need money to come in immediately and I was wondering if you could give me some advice.”
I can totally relate.
And I can help you.
But once I do, please KEEP doing what I tell you to do… EVEN once your cash crunch eases up a bit. You’ve got to keep doing these things in order to NOT END UP here again.
The feast-and-famine cycle in business is LARGELY created because we sell when we’re hard up for cash and then STOP selling once that need is fulfilled… we spend what we earned, find ourselves AGAIN hard up for cash, so we SELL again… and then we stop again.
Round and round we go. But, if you need cash (like, yesterday) here’s what to do:
- Figure out who you want to help. This is your “HIT LIST.” If you need money NOW, it is not enough to do a post or two… hoping the right people see it. You will need a list of WHOs… warm leads of people that you KNOW you can help. A personal invite is INFINITELY more effective for selling than a general post.
Do not skip this step.
Do not assume you are the exception.
Do not buy into the “but my business is different” B.S.
Do not try to AVOID going one-on-one with a prospect and asking them them to buy from you. This timid behavior doesn’t work.
Yes, I know it may be uncomfortable for you.
But timid salespeople have skinny kids.
Trust me, you’ll get more comfortable with it the more you do it.
And the more you do it, the more you’ll sell.
And the more you sell, the less money challenges you face.
And the less $$ challenges you face, the more confident you are as a business owner…
And the more confident you are as a business owner, the more magnetic you are to your target market.
THIS is a GREAT cycle…
But it begins with getting over your DISDAIN or DISLIKE for — or avoidance of — direct selling.
2. Figure out exactly how you want to help them. Create an offer that will give them UNREASONABLE value… It should be a HELL YES for them. They should read it and think, “could this be a mistake? Is this for REAL?”
This does NOT mean lower your prices.
But it DOES mean STACK YOUR OFFER so that it is an insane value.
3. INVITE your list of WHOs (step 1) with a generous spirit. In other words, focus on what you’d like to GIVE them… how you’d like to HELP and SERVE them…
This prohibits THEM from feeling like little more than a paycheck to you.
4) For the love of all things Holy, REPEAT. Repeat until your immediate financial need is met and then KEEP GOING. Day in and day out. Constantly create — and then nurture — warm leads.
Doors to Women Who WOW are open again and you can save of $500 dollars by joining in the next two days. PM me for details!