May I share a shameful secret with you?
I have recently shared (a bit) on facebook about my recent driving issues… including 4 speeding tickets and a failure to stop at a stopsign ticket…. all in about 3 months. Not good.
But, if I were to be completely honest, my driving record is a long list of shameful secrets for me… To say I have a “lead foot” is merely scratching the surface. My driving history includes all of the following: (Please keep reading… I promise this absolutely applies to your business!!)
ATTENDING FIVE “DRIVERS SCHOOLS” (to get positive points to counteract my “speeding” points)
RECKLESS DRIVING (over 20 mph over speedlimit)
FOLLOWING (a police officer) TOO CLOSELY
I was voted (by my entire Senior Class – as a joke), “Most Likely to be a Driver’s Ed Teacher” in high school! Bottom line: Speed Limits Are Made to be Broken!!
In business, we can reach our goals SLOW… or we can reach them FAST. I vote FAST. I am not interested in “incremental” gains… these are too much like “cost of living” increases bestowed upon us at work. They are not attached to the value we offer, or how we “perform” our duties.
In business, our income will be a direct reflection of the value we offer our clients. GIVE value exponentially, and watch your income RISE exponentially. To SPEED!!
Ha…agreed! I too have had my challenges with speed and the DMV. Alas, these days I apply speed ala taking fast action to make successful gains in my business. This works for me in my business and with my clients, as I tout the same “press”! We see progress when day yes, take quick action and burst through with full throttle approach!