We have this man-made lake behind our house that my kids and I used to visit frequently. We’d pack a lunch — and our school supplies — and walk about a mile back to the lake for a day of “un”schooling. (I loved those days.)
One of the things the kids would do is try to skip rocks. The objective was — of course — to have your rock “go the farthest,” bouncing as many times as possible across the lake.
To do this, you have to choose a fairly small, smooth rock and hurl it sideways, so it BARELY skims the surface of the water. Sure, it causes a few ripples… but nothing substantial. In fact, a good rock skipper barely interrupts water at all.
Unfortunately, in an economic climate that has no tolerance for timidity, I see way too many business owners taking THIS approach with their marketing. In futile attempts to “get their name OUT THERE” (a task that is expensive and HUGELY disappointing) these business owners use lukewarm marketing and try to appeal to “the masses.”
Because they are trying to go FAR (instead of DEEP) they have to be very careful with their message. After all, they can’t risk offending anyone. And, in all of this, they barely skim the surface of their market — and of their potential. In this attempt to “reach” everyone, they CONNECT with no one. Expensive. Defeating. Disappointing.
May I suggest another route? The path less traveled?
Pick a HUGE rock — one that will not only interrupt but disrupt the surrounding environment — and plop it down as hard and as fast as you can. Let your marketing be BOLD enough to go DEEP with the right prospects… and allow the ripple effects of that marketing message to reach “the masses.” Risk offending SOME to connect with those who MATTER: your ideal prospects.
I was never any good at skipping rocks. But the ripples from my PLOPS would surpass even the best of my rock skippers, every time. =)
What’s the BOLDEST thing you can do this week?