It’s International Women’s Day and I’ve got a certain fire in me that is DYING to come out… a certain (righteous) anger… a certain (inconvenient) message… a certain defiance.
To be clear, before I go on… while today is all about women celebrating women around the globe, my message is REALLY for free women…. women in America, specifically.
This morning, I saw a quote posted in honor of today:
“A woman who walks in purpose doesn’t have to chase people or opportunities. Her light causes people and opportunities to pursue her.” ~ unknown
I see a LOT of chasing going on. Breathless, ruthless, pitiful chasing. The chase for approval and acceptance. Ugg.
Women tearing other women down. For what they wear, what they say, what they sell, the choices they make — ironically… with their own bodies.
Women affording other women a voice, a place at the table, but ONLY to women who agree with them on EVERY dot point. Women content to follow the rules of a patriarchal “leader,” even when they make NO SENSE whatsoever, and bashing other women for DARING to question the rules. I stand baffled at this. Women no longer questioning the actual state of their lives. Women shirking POWER in favor of PITY.
I am disgusted.
Recently, Gloria Steinham voiced HER disgust with how women are treating each other. And I couldn’t agree more.
I am 44 years old,
born and raised in America,
and this means that
we INHERITED better than this…
we INHERITED a certain defiance that
— as defiance tends to do–
created a certain freedom.
If UNITED defiance BORE us the freedoms we now enjoy,
what do you think splintered COMPLIANCE will bring to life?
Have you considered that?
Who do YOU most champion now? Whose opinion? Your own?
Do you MAKE room in your world for those women who have a different experience than YOU?? Or are they ignorant, wrong, and to-be-mocked and discarded? lol…
Who do we blame for this splintered compliance?
For our willingness to tear EACH OTHER down,
while practically BOWING in deference to the powers that be?
Who do we blame for our chasing?
And for our lights being dimmed?
Look, it’s no room full of good old boys doing this. It’s US. I am watching women whom I know personally lose their way…. in anger, in obsession, in judgment and in fear… over ALL manner of things…
The moment we took our eye off of our own core truths (about ourselves, about liberty, about health, about justice) and our own authentic message and purpose in this world…
we started to lose our shine… our light started to dim.
And the chasing began.
Now seemingly ankle chained to the approval of others (which, newsflash: the moment you please one person, you have MORTALLY OFFENDED a dozen more… so save yourself the trouble!) we’re FURTHER dimming our own lights out of the:
🤢 fear of being judged
🤢 fear of not being liked
🤢 fear of being shunned, left out, talked about
🤢 fear of not being good enough…
And then the dimming continues with our SHOULDS… all the things we SHOULD (and shouldn’t) be doing, saying, submitting to… dim, dim, dimming our light… so much so that it’s barely flickering.
And we’re wondering where the fire went????
We DOUSED IT with our willingness to join in with the perpetually angry and always fearful mob. In doing so, we took our hands off the wheel of our own purpose, our own direction… while we looked around and waited for the next direction to be given to us, on guard for the next “offense.”
and I GET IT.
I was carried away for a bit myself.
Watching and waiting for things to get back to “normal.”
Being fearful or offended. And often both.
But then I woke ALL THE WAY UP.
Who was at the WHEEL of MY life…
while I was allowing my energy and attention to float so easily from one outrage to another???
The answer was NO ONE.
And so I woman-ed back up.
I grabbed the wheel of my life,
taking back control of MY economy,
MY health,
MY relationships,
MY daily life,
MY body, and
MY purpose for being on this earth.
And on International Woman’s Day, I urge you to do the same. Come BACK to your work,
to your home,
to your community,
to your health,
to your principles that guide the way YOU intend to live.
I assume your principles are different than mine.
And I applaud that.
Stand TALL on them anyway.
Let YOUR principles guide your being-ness every day.
I will cheer LOUDLY for you as you do.
And let public opinion be JUST that…
THEIR opinion.
😊 Let the laws of the land INFORM
(but never control)
your behavior.
You WILL be judged, criticized, talked poorly about.
You WILL be uninvited places, left out, called names.
But, c’mon. You can take the heat. Right?
Women for generations before you
took MUCH more heat,
facing MUCH more in terms of consequences.
So, what if we just did the damn thing…. Said the damn thing… lived the damn thing.. .
the thing being,
that which is inside of us….
the thing that is our purpose..
the thing that lights us up….
What if you JUST did the thing,
rather than weigh EVERY word against the potential of THEIR judgement?
Screw ’em.
You DO you.
Every day.
Go back to that which is inside of you.
the message.
the work.
the goals.
the focus.
the desires.
all of it.
Because when something that is meant to come out,
is stuck inside of us, hidden… pushed down…. delayed…
it turns toxic, stagnant, even cancerous.
So, what are you allowing to DIM your light?
What are you pushing down?
And when are you going to FIRMLY plant yourself at the wheel of your life?
I am here to support, defend and champion ALL women. I believe there is a certain MAGIC in our female-ness… and I LOVE it. There is also a certain magic in us standing together, allowing our differences to NURTURE our bonds, rather than tear them apart.
Here’s to US being fully empowered, fully expressed women. If you’ve been watching Women Who WOW from the outside, there’s no need to stand way back there. 😊 I see you. I want you to create the SIMPLEST most empowering way to build a business, income and life that you are PROUD of.
Message me and let’s talk.