You know what creates business equity and long term financial success as an entrepreneur? The exact same thing that contributes to a healthy, sexy and vibrant marriage:
Dan Kennedy says it best,
“finding ways to stay interesting and relevant over years of familiarity.”
That’s it. In marriage — like in business — we often give up putting our best foot forward. We often accept a certain “staleness.” A certain, “oh well” sort of attitude. And when we do, we should expect a downhill spiral — in business OR marriage.
Listen, I get it. This is easier said than done. I’ve been married 13 years. And I’ve been in business for almost that same length of time.
In business, I’ve had to stay relevant, even though the methods I teach and promote are the same business strategies that were used in businesses 60 years ago. My entire NO bullcrap-based business focuses on going back to the basics, relationship marketing, effort, accountability, honesty, integrity. And let me tell you. In a world of bright shiny objects, these topics are – um, shall we say, slightly LESS THAN SEXY. =)
But, I’ve put effort and focus on staying relevant, interesting and indispensable to my market and to my clients. I was able to do it because I DETERMINED to do it. It’s been a concerted effort, and well worth it.
In marriage, of course, the same principle applies. In 13 years, Chris and I have collected lots of bills, three kids, a degree or two, more than our fair share of arguments, some really tough times and lots of water under our proverbial bridge. Of course, there’ve been some amazing times, too.
But, what has been constant is our commitment. Not just to each other, in the “faithfulness” sense of the word. But commitment to our marriage. To keeping it fresh, relevant, interesting. To investing in it. To create doses of mystery and excitement in the midst of mundane (yet comforting) familiarity.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I believe this is a MAJOR key to success: CREATING ways to stay interesting and relevant over years of familiarity.
Who else agrees with me?