These are ALL noble.
There are pockets of people, of course, who have demonized ambition. They see a RESULT that they want and think they “deserve” but they fail to acknowledge — nor, most importantly, attempt to replicate — the steps that CREATED that result.
In other words, they want what someone else has — and even feel entitled to a portion of it — but they do NOT have ANY interest in doing what that other person did to GET what they have.
They have the DREAM.
They lack the DO.
I am writing the Women Who WOW Manifesto as we speak. One of our creeds is this, “I value honest ambition.”
Ambition aimed at stretching the boundaries of our God-given potential. Ambition aimed towards using our gifts and our potential to be of the BEST value possible for our market. Ambition funneled into action that SERVES others and allows our income to REFLECT the value we bring to our tribe.
This honest ambition is something we embrace.
We do not shy away from the hard work,
or the scary goals,
or the vulnerable accountability.
Because our ambition fuels us…
it keeps us going.
And as I look over the goals sent in from women in my Plan, Promote & PUSH 2018 program.. and the response to the Journal Prompt Women Who WOW members received yesterday,
I am reminded…
of just how powerful we are as a group of women entrepreneurs…
of just how much we will ACCOMPLISH in 2018.
In the words of one of our members.
“It is time for me to Step the F*ck up!” — a declaration met with digital applause in our community.
Because YES…
it is time.
It is time to ALIGN our own DO with our Biggest DREAMS.
It is time to leave behind all excuses.
It is time to shake off any HINT of mediocrity.
It is time to step UP and to step INTO our fullest potential.
OH yes… it IS time!
If you’d like to join Women Who WOW, there’s no better time than now. Email me today! (michelle — at — womenwhowow (dot) com.)