Soon, I will again be in the throes of my twice yearly “serving hours”… This is where I coach people from all over the world on business success. It’s my way of both giving back AND staying at the top of my game, so I charge nothing. (P.S. If you ARE a coach or consultant,
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Just Sell Something Already!!
I get (and probably should) lots of questions about my success in sales. HOW can I outsell others in my industry or region? HOW do I get around this whole “can’t afford to buy” dilemma? WHAT can other business owners do differently??? Truth be told, I often ask myself those same questions…. why would I
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What am I Selling Today?
I’ve never before been MORE aware of how many business owners genuinely HATE sales. I don’t just mean a playful “dislike” of sales. I’m talking about a genuine, consuming, nasty, and disdainful hatred. It’s a shame, because (obviously) without SALES, these business owners will never make any money. Of course, what these people (mainly women??) are HOPING is that they won’t HAVE to sell… that they
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OBJECTION!! How do you handle Sales Objections?
OBJECTION!! I can hear the gavel slam down on the defense attorney’s table as I type. OBJECTION!! On Ally McBeal, the stars would dramatically argue every point… stating objections, arguing them, proving their point. Most of the time, they would win. But in sales, we also encounter objections and the outcome is (many times) much
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