There are 6 KEY reasons your prospect may not buy from you, THIS is the one that is overlooked MOST often in the world of business:
They don’t believe THEY can / will do “it” or follow through with “it” to get the result you’re selling them. In other words, they don’t believe in THEM.
Now, I’m not sure what “it” is for everyone reading this article, but replace “it” with whatever you’re selling. One reason you may lose a prospect is because they don’t believe in themselves enough to invest in your solution… be it weight loss, health achievement, business success, mental clarity, smoking cessation, etc.
The sales solution to this is two-fold:
1) Affirm their interest / desire in your solution. Demonstrate YOUR belief in them.
2) Include some form of accountability / check in / support to alleviate their fear they will fall into old habits and not see this commitment through.
The other five reasons your target may not buy from you are below:
- The don’t “get” the value behind what you’re offering. (Solution: Make the transformation you sell very very clear.)
- They don’t believe / trust YOU. (Solution: Do a far better job of indoctrinating people before you go into sales mode.)
- They don’t need what you’re offering right now. Or have convinced themselves they don’t need it. (Solution: Indoctrinate them well, so they see a need and are likely to see YOU as a solution.)
- They don’t understand what “it” is that you’re selling. (Solution: If it’s too complicated for a 10 year old to understand, it’s too complicated. Keep it simple. The confused prospect walks away every time.)
- The don’t think they have the time to pursue whatever it is you’re selling. (Solution: Acknowledge “busy-ness” and how much time / energy / money / whatever they’re wasting by NOT working with you.)