So…. at the risk of offending EVERY ad salesman, publication, radio station and MORE, I just have to say this:
WHY in the WORLD do otherwise smart and savvy business owners FAIL to acknowledge basic MATH in their business? If a paid advertising effort produces $0 in increased revenue, why would running that SAME ad (with no changes) in the SAME publication somehow produce MORE income? Zero times any number is always zero.
Yet, this is the scenario I see all the time… When one ad doesn’t work, the business owner will enlarge (or add color to) the SAME AD…. expecting (much) different results… Usually following the “expert” advice of the salesperson who earns MORE money when you buy a BIGGER or more colorful ad. Go figure.
Here are some quick ways to AVOID wasting money on paid advertising in the future:
** If the sales person doesn’t ENCOURAGE you (and maybe even show you HOW) to check the RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) for your ad, DON’T BUY IT!! They should be interested and committed to seeing results for your business.
** If they continually use the words, “You have to get your name out there”, WALK AWAY. There is no value in “getting your name out there” unless you are building your EGO vs. your bank account. You want the ad to focus on getting your clients or customers IN HERE. Sure, when you do “get your name out there”, there are nice ways to leverage that “exposure”. BUT, it is not a pre-requisite to making a cushy income in your business. In fact, while others are busy “getting their name out there”, you can be busy getting clients INTO your business. The former often costs a lot of time and money. The latter MAKES money. Which are you most interested in doing?
** What should an effective AD include? (If you have already BOUGHT ad space, and need some real detailed, pointers, email me at and ask for my “Making Advertising WORK” report.)
1. It should GRAB ATTENTION. (TIP: Don’t make your headline your business name. Instead, use something that “grabs” your target market.)
2. It should be written to answer the following question in your potential client’s mind: WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?
3. It should inspire curiosity….. maybe even be a BIT outrageous.
4. MOST IMPORTANTLY: It should ASK THE READER TO DO SOMETHING. It should INVITE them to TAKE SOME ACTION… call for a free report, or visit for a complimentary service, or SOMETHING.
5. You should include a sense of URGENCY.
6. When possible, it should ask them to do something that allows you to collect their contact information…. so you can continue to converse with them.
Remember: Your AD’s job – with the exception of some direct response marketing – isn’t to make the SALE…. it is to START the conversation. And profitable businesses in ANY economy are built ONE conversation at a time.