But, learning how to write — not to earn an A from your past English professor, but in order to create sales FOR YOURSELF – is one of the most critical foundations to my own success. To this end, I want to give you a 20 step formula for creating your own sales “invite.”I use the word invite deliberately… so that you can see that it should read PERSONAL… and it should feel like an invite. Not just another mass-emailed sales letter.
This is a very generalized overview, and every sales invite is different, but here are some fundamental steps you should consider:
1. Name the person you’re speaking to. (Maybe not by name, but by how they identify themselves. Example: Attention Independent Physician is far better than Attention Doctor, but not nearly as strong as Attention Hampton Roads Chiropractor.)
2. Get their attention. (i.e. Tell them why they should read further… answer the un-asked question, “What’s in it for me?”
3. Tell them more about the problem you’re promising to solve.
4. Give them more details about the problem you’re promising to solve. (This lets them know you know EXACTLY what they’re experiencing.)
5.Tell them the solution you provide.
6. Tell them more about how you created and painstakingly developed this solution.
7. Show how this solution is a perfect fit for them.
8. Tell them what specific results they’ll see.
9. Provide some authentic testimonials as proof of your promise.
10. Address the COST of not taking action or investing in your solution.
11. Detail the offer. What do they get?
12. Present the price; and ASK THEM TO BUY.
13. Add in bonuses.
14. Tell if there’s any scarcity to the offer or urgency to act.
15. Present a guarantee. (Be creative you can ALWAYS create a legitimate guarantee… and if you’re struggling, figure out SOME WAY to reduce their risk.
17. Warn them of the hazards of NOT taking action on this offer. What do they stand to lose? What opportunities will they miss? What will this indecision or scarcity thinking cost them in the long run?
18. Remind them to buy… and what they stand to gain by doing so.
19. Invite NO’s to tell you why they considered your offer and didn’t take action — or why they’re saying NO — invite them to tell you their hesitations or questions.
Finally — step 20. Reread and Edit. Write your sales invite and then put it away for at least a day… then come back to it. How can you punch it up some? How can you make it MORE specific? How can you (honestly, of course) make your promises bolder? Did you address common hesitations? Did you present your price well? Did you justify price as a GREAT value? Did you demonstrate UNdENIABLE value? And, of course, did you ASK for the sale?
Michelle I need this article. How can I download it ?
I don’t know!! =) =) Maybe just copy and paste? You know I’m a technical newbie! btw, how are you DR. Hobson? =)