Can I just come out of the “entrepreneurial closet” for a bit? The big names running the big conferences with the constant travel schedule and huge team of employees… not ONLY does it not inspire me… it turns me off.
Big time.
I have been around this industry a long time. I can VERY ACCURATELY guess the profit made (or not made) off of a live event… because I have had over 50 myself. I can VERY accurately assess the profit made (or not) off of a 7-figure launch minus 40%-50% affiliate fees, refunds and ad spend… because, #math. This is why I have LONG said I’d be willing to stack my PROFIT against some of these big names any day of the week.
Plus, I don’t love their life.
It’s too busy, too hectic, requires too much “being on” time.
So, HERE is what lights me up:
The girl who wants to COBBLE together an income,
from a variety of sources,
The woman who wants to take her passion or passions and MONETIZE the hell out of it..
for fun,
and for profit,
and also…
just because she CAN!
The mother who is DETERMINED to create an impressive income on her own terms.
I’m bored by the woman whose husband pays all the bills and so she’s not interested in monetizing. I tire of the woman who wants a 7-step, 7-tier plan for her next baby-step…. looking for a guarantee rather than an opportunity. I’m turned off by the #bossbabe who refuses to show up unless it’s all perfectly choreographed.
What INSPIRES me is the opposite…
the GRITTY woman,
the woman leaving it ALL on the battlefield of business,
the woman who isn’t afraid to be seen sweating,
the woman who will HUSTLE without apology
and show up without permission…
who will SELL without shame,
the one who REFUSES to lose,
the one who KEEPS SHOWING UP without fail,
because she SEES something in herself,
because she BELIEVES in her ideas,
And because there is NO QUIT in her.
THIS is who inspires me.
Not those who constantly seek investors,
Not those who pay to play, who pay to be seen next to whom they imagine are “the right people”
Not those who become famous even …
But those who kill it
on their own terms.
THIS is why I’m repelled by expensive rebranding b.s… and the FOCUS so many women entrepreneurs put on it. #ugg
THIS is why I’m repelled by big business… and #businessplans and #PPPloans and why I said what I did to Daymond John when he asked me why I didn’t bring Women who WOW onto Shark Tank:
1) I don’t need your money and
2) I wouldn’t give up even 1% decision making in my business.
I desire NO partner,
and will accept NO complexity.
I want / DEMAND simple
I want ROOM to create,
ROOM to breathe and be,
SPACE to be even MORE myself,
and yes…
I want to make even more money
being even more ME,
building this business AROUND ME,
and showing other women how to do EXACTLY that…
for themselves.
No fame required.
No polish required.
Just an idea
and some grit.
at taking business owners from $0 to $45K in their first year of membership,
at taking a $40K / year business passed that $100K mark, for the first time ever…
THIS lights me up.
THIS number is the one that keeps me up at night. I have LONG said that the fastest way to change a life (short of salvation) is to change the WAY a woman makes a living. THIS is what I love to do.
IF you have been wanting to join Women Who WOW…
maybe you thought you couldn’t afford it…
I am doing something incredible,
to be SURE you get in.
And all you have to do is message me.
Tell me about your business,
what you WANT..
the life you want, the income you want, the passion you want to build it around…
and I can tell you,
show you,
how to get it.
It’s that simple.