I know the drill. You’re busy all week. You’re doing a lot of stuff. Tweeting. Facebooking. G++-ing (Which I’ve yet to start doing, but pretty sure I will do eventually…) Linking up. Meeting Up. Networking. Blogging. Tweetchatting. YouTubing. Posting. Commenting. Planning. Branding. Oh – and you probably fit in some SEMBLANCE of a life as well… on your good days, that is! YET – you’re not making any money. (Or money is slow, inconsistent, unpredictable, and not enough!)
If this is true for you, unfortunately, you are not alone. Far too many otherwise brilliant people are struggling with no – or far too few – clients. They find that their potential clients are always on the fence. They see that their prospective clients are interested, but never commit. They – and their products, services or ideas – are met with unbridled enthusiasm and support, but no checks.
What gives?
What’s the cure for being BUSY & BROKE?
What can you do to CHANGE this scenario around – quickly – and in your favor?
The answer is simple, but as a fair warning …. you’ll probably be disappointed by it. The simplest of answers always disappoints, yet it shouldn’t be this way. People tend to think that their problem (NO CLIENTS) is far too complex for a simple answer. (AFTER ALL – you’ve already DONE so much….) They often convince themselves that their industry is different, that their business is different. My favorite? When people prefer to think their market is too sophisticated for this “simple stuff” to penetrate. All of this is B.S.
I’m going to tell you the missing piece to your puzzle AND tell you how to guarantee you hit your mark. If you do this for TEN DAYS, you’ll be amazed at the results. (Thank you cards and / or gifts can be sent directly to my office at 1109 Eden Square Office Park, Chesapeake, VA 23320! LOL….) So, here goes.
The missing puzzle piece: THE CONVERSATION. Social media is great. I enjoy it. You enjoy it. It certainly makes us feel like we’re doing something… and as we see our number of “followers” or “friends” or “connections”, we may even feel like we’re accomplishing something. But, we can hide behind it… and many do. The bottom line is this: for MOST people, if you are NOT in conversations with your target market, you are NOT selling anything.
So, how do you apply this little bit of TRUTH to your business to increase your bottom line? You LOG your conversations. You write them down. You measure them. (What gets measured gets done.) I encourage you to have NO LESS than four SELLING conversations each day. Let me clarify a bit. A SELLING conversation means you’re in conversation with four perspective clients – via phone or in person. You’re offering to work with them or asking for the sale. You’re getting to know them and figuring out how one of their needs intersects with a benefit of what you offer. THIS is a SELLING conversation.
Four. Per day. Every day.
Now, it will take a concerted effort to get these conversations on your books. So, start now. Go through your list of connections. Who jumps out at you as a perfect candidate for what you sell? Email them. Call them. Ask if you can show them what you’re up to and how it applies to them, their business or their situation. Set up an appointment to talk with them. Keep the focus on them… and what you can do for them. Listen. Engage. And ask for the sale.
Will you get some NO’s? Yep. Of course you will. So, go ahead and collect them. Collect them as you would a bouquet of roses. Because NO’s are fine. NO’s a completely okay answer. If you’re not getting AT LEAST one no per day, you’re not doing enough asking.
So, there’s your cure:
Four conversations per day. Schedule them. Write them down. Don’t settle for less than four. Ask for the sale. Get the NO’s. Celebrate the YES’s. Stay busy with conversations, and you won’t be broke very long. =)
Holla, Michelle! You hit the nail right on the head. I’m always up to try something new. I see your four conversations, and I’ll raise you ONE MORE!
♥, Farah
Thank you, some times we forget how simple it can be.
I am on it!!!!!!! Four a day! I can do that!!!!
Fabulous cure Michelle..funy cause sometimes it takes 1, 2 ,3 maybe 4 times for me to hear something to kick in gear. I’m thinkin this #4! Thank you!
Thank you Michelle…That was simple yet so profound…am working on it..
I heart you Michelle. Thank you for posting this.
The most genius solutions are always always simple, but rarely easy as everyone already knows. I know that nothing happens in my business unless prospective clients get to connect with me… and honestly I really love those conversations. Four a day…gulp. I know you’re right on this and will have to amp it up to get there.
love to you-
I agree – make sure you are having conversations each day with potential clients and existing clients. Just make sure that the people you are asking to work for are the people you want to with …
Roy West
On my to do list every day for sure:
Four conversations per day. Schedule them. Write them down. Don’t settle for less than four. Ask for the sale. Get the NO’s. Celebrate the YES’s. Stay busy with conversations, and you won’t be broke very long. =)
Wonderful advice and a great reminder, especially for someone like me who’s new to Twitter & LinkedIn… it’s easy to get distracted by stuff/products we are INTERESTED in, but… those are not potential clients/customers!
Thanks for another great article!
I really need to do something new. I am discouraged and tired of working for free. I will work to commit to four convos a day. Now let me start making a list. Thanks Michelle