I am an astute witness. š Always watching, wondering…
And, NO DOUBT the world has changed.
The world at large,
the financial world,
the world of business.
We have seen huge shifts in WHAT WE PAY ATTENTION to, WHAT MATTERS to us, what we’re WILLING to tolerate and accept from the ruling class, and — of course — our money. Interest rates and inflation way up. Credit cards being used for basic necessities as ALL THE THINGS cost more.
I DO get it.
We knew it was coming.
And we’ve been here before (financially, as a nation) back in 2008, so REST ASSURED, there IS a way to profit WILDLY even under (or especially under) these circumstances.
Cutting to the chase: The WAY to profit WILDLY is going back to basics, and running a PRINCIPLED-based business. Meaning…
your marketing / sales / offers
are based on PRINCIPLES
that are ALWAYS true
REGARDLESS of industry or economy.
The alternative is continuing to chase trends and shiny objects.
And as I watch, I’m seeing a TON of names you know
and some you don’t
SCRAMBLE from the chase that is no longer working.
Watch and you’ll see it too.
š The flurry of “NEW” things
š the threat / promise of “I’m NEVER offering this again.”
šthe swings from more spiritual to less spiritual
or from business to nutrition or relationships, lol…
š the unlikely partnerships,
š the buying of celebrity (real celebrity vs. entrepreneurial celebrity) endorsements.
If you LIVE by X,
you’ll DIE by X…
when X dies.
Truth: Principles are ALWAYS true, from the foundations of the world until the place literally burns… they’ll be TRUE. So principles never die.
When you LIVE by the algorithm,
you’ll die by the algorithm when it shifts.
When you LIVE by pimping EVERY aspect of your life online,
you’ll die by that same strategy when your beliefs or lifestyle becomes inconvenient… or villanized.
When you LIVE by credit and playing that multi-business / venture capital shell game, you’ll DIE by that same game when it dries up.
When you LIVE by being the sexy, young, hot girl…
who also sort of knows business,
what do you think will happen.. š
when you are you know.. LESS sexy, young or hot. Lol…
Bottom line: What if you just went back to basics.
STOOD FIRMLY in your own expertise,
got CLEAR on your offers,
and SOLD to people within whom you have DELIBERATELY CULTIVATED a demand for your voice?
this will NEVER dry up.
These things aren’t strokes of luck. They’re HARD CORE principles that ALWAYS work. Don’t get pulled into the fray. Stay true to you.
Build your business on a ROCK of principles not the SAND of trends.
And then…
take massive market share
as the shiny object chasers…
well, as the tougher conditions
“thin the herd” a bit.
Stay tuned…
some fun stuff happening.
if you’ve been wanting to join WOW,
or re-join us,
reach out.
NOW is the time.