At this point, I have coached / mentored thousands of women entrepreneurs, in nearly every industry you can think of, in every corner of the US and a handful of “other” countries as well.
And when money is coming in too slow, when scale can’t QUITE be realized, when they’re on the struggle bus for too long…. DESPITE being smart, driven, articulate visionaries, it comes down to….
Now, full disclosure: I’m going to offend some (many?) with this post. It’s full of truth. The hard kind of truth, the truth that sort of slaps you in the face and then… WILL NOT LEAVE. The kind of truth that has the power to SHIFT you, your habits and your reality.
But before you click away, please know that ALL of these confronting but powerful truths I share here were FIRST realized about MYSELF.
If money is coming in slow,
TOO slow,
please know this:
MONEY is mirroring your pace.
(as it always does.)
So when money is trickling in, when it’s too slow to be impressive… it’s because YOUR pace is too slow to be impressive.
And I get it. I LOVE cozy. But if you want impressive income, deep impact and far reaching influence, you’re gonna HAVE to pick it up, woman.
No more “timing” issues. Right timing, wrong timing, bad timing, good timing. It’s all B.S. The ONLY timing you have is NOW. What will you do with it?
No more perfecting an idea or offer until it’s MOLDY and STALE before the market sees it.
No more tolerance for small minded acquaintances, habits or commitments.,
No more WAITING.
The speed of money coming TO you,
will MIRROR your pace.
So, how can you STEP IT UP…
staring today?
P.S. this is NOT about being busy. I hate being busy. Detest it. This is about being DELIBERATE, about cutting out ALL the time wasters that you don’t love, and building habits that DAILY take new ground in your market and towards your goals. It’s about INTELLIGENT and DETERMINED action.
And if you want my help with increasing YOUR pace, message me.