Let’s start this uncomfortable reality-unveiling article with the obvious. The internet, the law of attraction AND covid (in certain ways) have made BUSINESS feel easier. But they have made creating SUCCESS harder. This article will detail why.
And there’s a certain OBVIOUS irony to this article, which I want to address head-on.
You’re reading this via the internet.
TOMORROW, I will actually be teaching on MY PERSONAL use of a certain LOA principle, which I have found to be THE MOST practical and profitable… ever. and
This covid-driven lock down situation has created unprecedented opportunities for my own personal business… and for about 80% of our members. We’re experiencing massive gains and wins this year.
But I’m not being hypocritical.
I use the internet ONLY as leverage. My CORE business and CORE income was and IS built on unscalable, OFF-LINE efforts. Had I BEGUN putting all of my eggs in the internet basket, I’d be like all the other “has beens” who dumped money all over the internet and never figured out how to create traction. I STILL do the offline thing.
BUT HERE’S THE THING ABOUT THE INTERNET: It has made too many business owners LAZY & SLOPPY. Remember the days when we’d agonize over a headline because we had to PAY to have it printed and mailed? Now we just slap stuff up online. We slap it up there and literally expect the magical internet to share it for us. We literally don’t even promote our own work. We don’t LOOK for places to put it. We don’t PITCH stages on which to show up. We just throw our thoughts out there and hope for the best.
No creativity.
No critical thought.
No courage in promotion.
As if showing up with a post is good enough. #lazy
Now, about the LOA. YEP, I subscribe to different parts of it and am VERY careful — and diligent — with my use of it. And YES, I’m doing a VERY rare deep dive on this topic tomorrow with our Women Who WOW members.
BUT HERE’S THE THING ABOUT THE LOA: It’s removed many entrepreneurs from the acknowledgement of reality. It can not — and has not– removed them from the CONSTRAINTS of reality… but it has removed them from the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of reality.
Truth: We live in a cause & effect world. Period. Our entrepreneurial ancestors knew this. They saw an “effect” that they wanted and they set about to CAUSE it to happen. REGARDLESS of how spiritually minded they were, they still went out (on foot) and sold things.
Even Jesus sent out His disciples two by two….
to spread the Gospel, right?
I mean, He could have literally done ANYTHING to spread the word. He could have ascended to a cloud and commanded the attention of the entire world, transcending time and space. But He did not.
He was in the business of impossible miracles,
and yet He STILL showed up in person
talking 1:1 and one to many
to spread His message.
The LOA has somehow convinced entrepreneurs that if they are JUST spiritual ENOUGH, they won’t have to do hard things.
Woman, you were BORN for hard things.
Your arms are STRONG for the task.
And that dream you’re denying right now IS yours…
and CAN be yours,
dare I say
SHOULD be yours…
AND mindset and expectations and focus and ALL of that plays a huge role… much larger than I used to think. STILL…. cause & effect is a reality. Don’t fool yourself into believing you don’t have to get to work. It’s a costly delusion.
And covid….
WOW. I’m not sure where to start. The fear of this virus came in like a wrecking ball. It challenged us. In many ways, it changed us.
It decimated some industries, and elevated others. As would be the case for any worldwide phenomenon. BUT IT HAS ALSO LED MANY TO THE DELUSIONAL BELIEF THAT VIRTUAL EVERYTHING IS ENOUGH.
I am a lone wolf, a recluse…. truly. And EVEN I have realized that virtual is not enough, and people of many countries are CRYING OUT and DEMANDING we get back to IRL.
Yoga studios courageous enough to open their studios… thriving with numbers exceeding their goals, yogis SO GRATEFUL to be back in community. Live events courageous enough to safely show up in person, filled to capacity AT EVERY STOP, filled with people so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be with actual humans again. Salons, real estate events, outdoor recreation opportunities, and more BRIMMING with people and profits due to the recognition of how important being TOGETHER is.
Now, I ask often about safety stuff with covid. I have some good sources that I trust. Truthfully, fear of a virus isn’t “in me.” I couldn’t conjure it up if I tried. (I’m a hippy chick to my core.) But I have many people close to me who have a genuine and acute fear of this particular virus and have changed their entire life hoping to avoid it. I respect their fear because I have a my own fears… sharks, heights, etc. So, I get it.
But the bottom line is that whether you’re afraid or not, we’re UNITED in our desire to be IRL again. Albeit with different timelines or different perceptions of safety, of course… but we WANT to get back to being in person.
The MORE we are online,
the MORE desirable IRL is becoming.
AND guess what?
IRL can be a 1:1 phone call,
IRL can be a handwritten card,
IRL does not have to be unsafe, it just has to be off line.
Bottom line: The terrible triad has the potential to LURE us into habits that FEEL good, that keep us busy, that keep us “doing stuff” but do NOT create the SUCCESS or the results that we want.
The remedy?
SHOW UP off line.
RECOGNIZE that you are the CAUSE of the EFFECTS you want.
If you’re ready for WILD success,
message me.
I want you to join Women Who WOW.