We want the quickest way to succeed. We want the SURE FIRE way to succeed. We want “The Secret” or — as my upcoming book is titled, The Short Cut.” (By the way, The Short Cut is a work of DELIBERATE business fiction… Depending on where you are, it may serve as a MEMOIR. Or a MIRROR. Either way, I think you’ll LOVE it!
If I HAD to narrow success down to two keys it would be the following:
Service; and
Service. Because anything else is blowing smoke. Make sure even your SALES PROCESS is as service oriented as what you hope to sell. Yesterday, I was on a call with a gal who — right before we hung up — said, “Michelle, my entire life changed today. Thank you.” This isn’t about me being “brilliant.” This is about my commitment to serve.
And subtraction. I used to call this “BRAKES.” I’d constantly look with my clients for what they could STOP doing. What they could eliminate. How can we SIMPLIFY the plan? How can we strip it down to ONLY that which is profitable? Because we do a whole lot of stuff in our business that keeps us BUSY & BROKE. Steve Chandler, in his book Wealth Warrior, sums it up best. Here’s what he says:
The key to productivity is creative subtraction…. Subtraction is the real key — because subtraction leads to simplicity and power.
Bruce Lee said he did not fear the opponent who knew (and had added an additional) 10,000 kicks. He feared the opponent who practiced one kick 10,000 times. Subtraction — the way Michelangelo subtracted. He subtracted creatively.
…. a matter of being able to take away, to eliminate and say “no” to all the things that keep you so busy all day NOT making money.
What makes you money? Do that.
What do you fill your days with to give yourself the FEELING of being busy? Take that away.
Can success REALLY be this simple? You bet! That doesn’t mean it’s EASY! No way. But it can be simple!
You can also call Subtraction the power of focus. You don’t need to manufacture 100 products, you don’t need to serve all types of customers. Pick your fights wisely and you will succeed. Apple is one of the few companies that embodies this principle the best.
THanks Harry! I completely agree! =)