And this has exactly jack-nothing to do with me.
You see, MANY women find us. Many are referred to us. Many even REALLY like warming themselves by the FIRE of our drive, of our persistence, of our confidence, of our inability to be intimidated.
And we produce QUITE the fire.
BUT when they consider coming WITHIN,
when they ponder the opportunity to BECOME the fire,
to ADD to the flame,
many don’t.
And I welcome their withdrawal.
I get it.
BEING the fire isn’t for everyone,
but who DOESN’T love the warmth,
the show of the dancing flames?
MOST people love WATCHING the fire.
But those who become the flame
are TRULY extraordinary.
These women would NEVER / could never…
accept life or business as a spectator sport.
Watching OTHERS burn so brightly,
while they warmed their tootsies by the flame.
These women are extraordinary because they are WILLING to step fully into their power. These women are extraordinary because they are WILLING to challenge themselves. These women are extraordinary because they are WILLING to admit what their goals WERE…. before discouragement and disappointment set in. These women are extraordinary because obstacles only cement their commitment.
This is who they ARE.
So when they find / found Women Who WOW,
they saw the fire and BECAME part of it.
Because staying warm
by someone ELSE’s flame?
Well, that’s not the sort of women we are.
To you, if you feel that fire burning inside of you,
the BURNING desire to go all in,
if you can SMELL the smoldering flame of potential within you…
do NOT sit on it.
Do NOT settle for being INSPIRED by others.
Be inspired to ACT, woman.
Be inspired to LEAP into your future.
Be inspired to BOLDLY STEP closer to your REAL goals, you know… the ones that you can scarcely WHISPER because they feel so grandiose.
DO NOT turn away from your OWN flame.
Do not believe the lies of “maybe later,” or
“Not ready” or
“not enough.”
These are all lies,
all designed to keep YOU playing small.
Woman, I ASSURE you
whoever you’re looking up to,
is nothing special.
I mean, she’s nothing MORE special than YOU.
She was just WILLING to step into her power,
to OWN it,
all while feeling UN-ready…
all while doubting if she was making the right turn or taking the right step,
all while wondering if she was ONE day going to be UNMASKED as normal.
ALL extraordinary success stories,
were CREATED by normal people,
who refused to accept normal limits, normal goals, normal realities.
People like you.
And me.
So, what will YOU do today,
to become the fire…
To inspire others…
to inspire YOURSELF?
Today is an ordinary day,
which is great.
the extraordinary.
To our Women Who WOW members, I see you.
I HONOR you, your hustle, your willingness, your risk, your courage.
I take GREAT PRIDE in standing alongside you in this entrepreneurial journey.
Further reading: Silencing your inner critic:…/
It’s like FIGHT CLUB but in reverse…/