And deserve.
And crave.
And so CLEARLY visualize.
And KNOW you are ready for.
Now, there is ALWAYS action to take.
There is ALWAYS something that CAN be done,
But nothing you MUST do.
You don’t have to have a website to create outrageous success as a coach. In actual fact, until about 3 years ago, the best paid (in money) and also –not famous at all — coach had NO site. No blog. And — to date– still has no blog. No tagline. Also, he didn’t use media. Social or otherwise. Not saying you shouldn’t have a site, just pointing out that it’s not NECESSARY for financial success.
You don’t HAVE to work weekends to be (financially) successful selling real estate. A couple of the MOST PROFITABLE agents I ever had the pleasure of knowing did NOT do nights or weekends. One sold churches, exclusively. The other… considered herself a “real estate doctor” and worked by appointment only. During the work week. Again, I’m not saying you SHOULDN’T work weekends, only that it’s not mandatory.
I MUST point out two things:
1) NO ONE will EVER give you permission to buck the system. EVER. The system (in your industry and otherwise) is CREATED to make things easier and more manageable for those who desire to rule. If you cannot be ruled, keep reading.
No one gave that coach permission to charge $200K per year per client, paid up front … even while not being famous, a best selling author or having an impressive Alexa Rank. AND NO ONE in the coaching industry applauded his audacity. NO ONE christened those real estate agents with some certificate of ‘time served’ that permitted them to start making their own rules. I assure you their peers did and DO resent THEIR audacity, for doing business on their own terms…
And they did it anyway.
Remember: industry norms are meant to keep you in line, fitting in, blending in… NOT succeeding wildly. They WILL cheer your compliance, but not your independence. This is a fact of humanity.
Industry norms usher in mediocrity in results. But only always, and only every time. Follow them, ONLY if you desire acceptance more than achievement. Wild success requires boldness and confidence and a willingness to stand alone.
Action item: Make a list of the industry norms in YOUR industry and start shattering them. Publicly.
Commitment: Don’t believe ANYONE who tells you that you MUST do X in order to achieve Y.
2) If you are following in the exact footsteps of someone else, expect to ALWAYS feel like you’re late to the party, fought tooth and nail to get there, and only the scraps are left.
The scraps left behind by those who blazed their own trail, the scraps they didn’t want, didn’t choose and deliberately left behind for you. #HowKind.
Just this morning, I made a table of authors that I know are 1) self-published and 2) making a minimum of $5K per month off of their Amazon book sales. (Not back end. I already have a healthy back end.)
This was research for a huge TRAIN of books that have been sitting on a proverbial shelf through COVID and it’s just not been the right time to release them. So, I’m in diligent launch mode.
So, OF COURSE I am doing this research. I am ALWAYS a student of success. I am ALWAYS watching successful people. This morning, it involved me researching five authors and finding commonalities.
In price.
In relationship with Kindle Unlimited.
In paperback / audio / e-book ratios.
In book cover design.
In author page similarities.
in a few hacks I recognized in the descriptions of their books.
and more…
Two of them have courses ON PUBLISHING that I could easily buy, but I do not want to be part of the masses who are following in their footsteps. (And I don’t want to be distracted and delayed by ANY stepford-preneur march.) I do not want to dress my book up like all of their followers are. It does NOT make sense.
Instead, I want to GLEAN their PRINCIPLES
because success and money ALWAYS leave a trail,
and then..
walk my OWN path.
There IS a difference.
One requires I abandon my own intuition, join the crowd and follow the leader. The other allows me to show up and shine,
in my unique voice, brand and message.
If you are committed to creating success (Financial AND otherwise) ENTIRELY on your own terms…
JOIN ME (and Women Who WOW members)
as we do a six-week intensive