Do you remember those commercials? The ones that cracked an egg on a pan and said “This is your brain on drugs!”? =) To my recollection, these commercials did nothing to steer us away from “drugs,” but did give us a good laugh from time to time. =)
Anyway, I’m not sure WHAT your brain looks like ON DRUGS,
but I can tell you EXACTLY what your brain
your business,
and your bank account
look like on FEAR.
First, your brain.
Fear robs your focus.
Fear creates a discombobulated, jumbled mess of your thoughts.
Fear is the root cause of overwhelm (a lack of decisiveness).
Fear keeps your adrenal system on overdrive
and your creative system paralyzed.
Fear is a bit like that drug they inject older people with… to test their hearts. It essentially makes you FEEL like you’re exercising when you’re just sitting still. (NO THANKS, by the way… give me the treadmill!)
Anyway, fear keeps you from zeroing in on your target, and makes you FEEL over-worked and overwhelmed when you’re REALLY doing far too little to actually move the needle in your business.
Next, your business.
When FEAR is coursing through your brain,
it dramatically affects your business.
An abundance of FEAR means one of two things in your business….
👉 too little ACTION (because you’re paralyzed and lacking direction and clarity)
👉 action that is desperate, frenzied and lacking well… clarity and direction. =)
So, your BANK ACCOUNT on fear
will dwindle,
get sparse,
and get SCARY….
producing more fear.
First, you MUST remind yourself of the real goals.
Not the ACCEPTABLE goals,
not the REASONABLE goals,
but your REAL goals.
Your real vision.
The thing or things you’ve ALWAYS known about yourself, but maybe these things are so grandiose or fancy that you feel squeamish sharing them.
Fine, don’t share them,
but SEE them every morning.
Do NOT think that because you are afraid TODAY that you must ONLY pursue “good enough” or “just enough” goals.
See the end vision
the REAL vision
every day.
See it,
walk it out in your mind.
This will change the circuits in your brain…
from worry and fear and paralyzation
to fun and faith and creativity.
Just see it.
Who are you in your REAL vision for your life?
How do you show up?
What do you do every day?
How do people see you?
What do you wear?
What is the every day reality… in your GOAL life?
This reminder session…
reminding you of who you are
and what you are here to create…
serves also as a compass.
It will help give you
and your business
that clarity and direction you need.
After you SEE the goals…
ask yourself a specific question…
Given all I’m here to create,
and given all I have at my disposal,
what are the MOST aligned actions I choose to take today ?
When you are reminded of the goals,
when you do this INQUIRY,
and then
of course
a magical thing happens.
Your daily actions
line UP
with your REAL goals…
and you
start making FAST progress.
Money comes in.
Clients come in.
Opportunity comes in.
Because when your actions line up with your goals, you create a STRAIGHT path to YOUR specific vision of success.
P.S. There’s NO WAY you’re still pretending you DON’T know about Women Who WOW is there? there’s NO WAY you’re still thinking that we’re “just another networking group,” right???? Seriously. We are THE most driven
most successful,
most practical,
most open women entrepreneurs on the planet. PERIOD.
Financially successful…
on our own terms.
JOIN US. or message me for details.