Years ago, I did a STRETCH Marketing Clinic, which I’m dusting off and re-launching due to demand (and a need) for some kick in the pants, real world, money-making, and heart-break saving strategy on exactly HOW to marketing in a way that makes money in your business. I may have a BETTER header designed, but here’s the (vintage) original:
But, that’s not the kind of stretch I’m talking about today. I’m talking about personal STRETCH… and effort and struggle and pursuit.
I find it instructive that a plant is created in such a way that his roots pursue water while his top leaves pursue the sun. S-T-R-E-T-C-H. Only in the stretch does it grow and live. And, by the way, the more difficult the stretch is to find water, the stronger the plant. (You can read more developing a strong business and self here.)
Likewise, human beings were created to live with their feet on the “dust” of the earth, but designed with a heart created to pursue their Creator in the spiritual. S-T-R-E-T-C-H. Only in the stretch does a person develop fully. Physically AND Spiritually.
In business — as in life, marriage, parenting and friendship — we are designed to STRETCH in order to reach our greatest potential. We were created to recognize the gap between what IS and what SHOULD BE. And we were uniquely equipped to bridge this gap. So when I see so many people RESENT the gap, instead of being inspired to action by it, I’m — frankly — disgusted.
I read facebook posts and listen to people talk, vehemently resenting the struggle. Some are even crippled by it. Resenting and crippled by that which is REQUIRED for strength. Pushing away the responsibility for PURSUING what they want and cry baby-ing that they don’t have what others have.
You were BORN to stretch, and to enjoy the pursuit.
To deny this, you’d have to believe that we were all — literally — born to receive our heart’s desires without effort of our own. To deny this, you’d have to believe that we all deserve to be healthy and thin, while only a small percentage of us are willing to exercise and eat right. Seriously.
It kind of makes me laugh when I hear people talk about — in a very resentful way — the “filthy rich” like Donald Trump. They resent his fame and fortune. And so I challenge them — look at his schedule. YOU wake up at 4:30 every morning and keep your nose to the grindstone all day. YOU keep his schedule for a month. 1) you’ll find success much quicker that way and 2) you’d grow a BIT less resentful.
You’d be a whole lot happier, more successful and less resentful if you looked at the DO behind the HAVE. =) What do they DO to HAVE what you resent so badly?
Our American ancestors didn’t promise us life, liberty and happiness. The promise was more appropriate, not only for the strength of our nation, but for the strength and character of our citizens– it was life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.
Fast forward to 2013. We have people who want, as I saw in a quote this morning, “front row seats” while they exert “nosebleed efforts.” We have neighbors who feel entitled to free health care. Or housing. Or education. While we continue to pay our bills for all three. Why? Because they don’t understand or choose to ignore a fundamental stretch in life:
For everyone who receives without doing, there’s someone else (US!) doing without receiving.
Entitlement to a life without stretch is an ugly, ugly thing. Ancient Rome — once known for the work ethic of her people — became infected with entitlement and, well… it’s instructive to look at her fall.
But here’s the thing: NO ONE feels like jogging when they’re sitting on the couch. NO ONE. But once you start, well… once you start, the struggle feels good. You sleep better that night, you feel more accomplished, more confident, more ready to tackle tomorrow’s jog.
At Women Who WoW, I’m honored to stand among women (and a few brave men!) who embrace the stretch. Women who enjoy the pursuit. Business owners who see the gap between what IS and what SHOULD BE and design an action plan to start building a bridge. As a result, our success rate TOWERS among our peers.