Here’s a picture of the goodie bags Kerry and I put together for the Women who WOW who COULD participate in our first Working Pajama Party! Due to Hurricane Sandy — bless her heart — we’ve had some cancellations, some nightmarish flight issues, and some other bumps in the road.
I can’t lie and pretend that this hasn’t been an absolute nightmare. And — it’s not my first time. Three years ago, I had an event that happened also during a Nor’Easter. I flew in on the last flight in to Norfolk…. before all other flights were re-routed to Charlotte. I walked into the hotel at 7 AM — drunk with exhaustion — to find rushing water in the hotel lobby. Not good. Fortunately, we had power and food. The event was a blast.
Two years ago, I walked into an event in Tulsa to find we had NO food and NO heat in the middle of a CRAZY snow storm. Even THAT worked out well.
What’d I learn? Well, the show MUST go on. It must. And it always does.
Business is full of hiccups and bumps in the road and re-routes and twists and turns. If you think that’s NOT what you signed up for, you’re going to be wildly and probably unpleasantly surprised… so PREPARE.
All of life is about weathering storms. Business too. Here’s to weathering them together! =)
Weather the storm, indeed! Pretty good metaphor for life, actually. 🙂
Many years ago I led support groups for parents of seriously disturbed teens who were in a long term treatment center. They came from all over the region for our monthly meetings, some driving in from 3 or more hours away. One night, I found myself with wintery weather and a decision to make, as the first mom walked in. She was one of those who’d driven 3 hours to get there. I told her I was thinking of cancelling, as our numbers were down and I was worried there wouldn’t be enough to make the group. I’ll never forget her response. “Aw honey – I’ve had Al-Anon meetings with two people there and they went great. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine!” And she was right. It was one of our better meetings, in fact, and I’ve never forgotten that lesson.
Things have a way of working out as they should, and Women Who Wow is no exception. Thanks for carrying us through, Michelle. 🙂