I’ve never before been MORE aware of how many business owners genuinely HATE sales. I don’t just mean a playful “dislike” of sales. I’m talking about a genuine, consuming, nasty, and disdainful hatred. It’s a shame, because (obviously) without SALES, these business owners will never make any money.
Of course, what these people (mainly women??) are HOPING is that they won’t HAVE to sell… that they won’t have to ask for the business…. that people will come to them ASKING for their service or product…. seek them out…. offer them a fair price… and “close” themselves. They might not SAY these words exactly – although I’ve heard from some who will – but their thoughts (and actions) aren’t far off.
Of course we all know this “strategy” is nothing short of ridiculous! While I hope you don’t feel as strongly as I’ve described above, if you are AT ALL interested in making any money as an entrepreneur, I URGE you to reconsider how you ARE feeling about sales… and marketing.
One of the true “secrets” of the seriously $ucce$$ful is that they begin (and nurture) a rock solid, intense, and passionate love affair with all things “SALES”. In the beginning, these “sales lovers” may “eat what they kill”, but they also fall in love with the hunt. They learn to deliberately design an effective sales strategy…. carefully consider every word they use… and study their market, their competitors, and emerging trends with intense curiosity and an eye for detail….. AND, the best part is: they find every minute of this fun, invigorating, and, of course profitable.
More and more of my work as a coach, consultant, and entrepreneurial leader is focused on this often misunderstood, intensely feared little beast called “sales”. Before I close, I want to come clean. This blog post…. EVERY blog post, really. Every e-zine I send out… Every TWEET… ARE trying to sell you. Sometimes I am trying to sell you…
- on YOURSELF and your potential.
- the BRILLIANCE you already possess, but seem intent to ignore or, at least, not allow to shine.
- SELF-RELIANCE, so that you realize that when your business has a problem.. you are the problem.. and the solution.
- SELECTIVE HEARING… when the media is intent on keeping us paralyzed in fear.
- HOPE in a better tomorrow.
- FAITH in what is possible today.
- HUMOR, so we can laugh at ourselves and avoid taking ourselves too seriously.
- REBELLION… the crucial commitment to “do the opposite” (of what others are doing.)
- on “FAST”… determined not to put extra steps between you and the success you desire.
- on “SLOW” because I know that I accomplish so much more when I commit to slowing down.
- A NEW PERSPECTIVE… when what we are doing routinely fails to produce the results we are looking for, just MAYBE we are doing the wrong things.
- on EASY… simply doing the “obvious things”
- HIGH “FEE” ESTEEM – charging what you are truly worth
- SIMPLICITY… cutting through the clutter of life
- STRENGTH… that comes only with SUPPORT – because the road to success (if you are thinking big enough) can seem like an obstacle course at times.
- FOCUS … because it is the quickest way of reaching your goals
- COMMITMENT because the decision to succeed is as important as any marketing or strategic plan we can create
With ALL of the above in mind, my sincere hope is that my “sales” skills will prove MASTERFUL. Have questions, problems, or obstacles within your own business relating to effective sales and marketing? Leave me a message… send me an email…. and let’s see what we can create together. OH! And if you want MORE encouragement and step-by-step strategies to begin your own affair with the sales and marketing of YOUR business, join my mailing list RIGHT NOW at www.womenwhowow.com, so you can take part in my FREE “14 Days to a Bigger Bottom… (Line)” E-Course.
Michelle, what I love about your coaching with the “selling” is you inspire your clients to arise to the greatness that is within them without coming across pretentious. Thanks!
Another great article and unique “twist” on ideas, Michelle.
It can also help to realize you are not selling yourself (yuck–no one likes to come off conceited)–you are selling the solution to your clients’ greatest problem(s)!