I will never forget my first coach asking me what I thought it would take to “ten times” my current income. I think it was meant to OPEN ME UP to all of the possibilities, but I shut that down real fast with a QUITE REAL STATEMENT:
10-times-ing my income won’t be enough.
I need more than that,
and fast.
And I wasn’t just being dramatic.
I NEEDED the money,
like to pay my power bill,
because they were “unable to give me another payment arrangement” at that time.
And after the power bill was paid, IF the power bill got paid, there’d be the mortgage payment and the water bill and those debilitating, demoralizing student loans. And it all felt so relentless. Up hill both ways, I’d get a client payment but the money was already spent… it felt like every dollar i earned was already spent… like i was working and moving forward ONLY to pay what had already been pre-spent behind me.
The work,
the slow pays
(leading ME to be a slow payer)
the never-ending cycle of
can I? Can I? Can I?
omg, WILL that check arrive in time?
how long do you think I could float MY check?
The night time running numbers,
the trying to keep my head up
and my family financially above water…
the ONLY word that even comes CLOSE to describing that period of my life is relentless.
I will NEVER forget the day when I spent my kids’ nap time BEGGING the power company to extend my late payment just another week. (They didn’t.) I should have been working, but I had an IMMEDIATE concern, to keep the lights on.
I was SO incredibly defeated and it’s not because I’d never had my power shut off before. In college, my power was shut off for 3 days because I didn’t have the $73 to cover my bill. I lived alone and it was NOT fun… But back then, in college, I was USED to being broke. I sort of felt like it was a right of passage.
But as an ADULT? As a mother? As a college-educated “professional?” As part of a FAMILY that would ALSO have to live with no power??? Well, that was unacceptable.
The disconnect notice was issued.
Two things you should know about this time in my life:
1) It was during my BRIEF and ILL-ADVISED foray into being a “life coach,” which I am NOT cut out to be or do; and
2) My power bill DID get paid, in person, MOMENTS before the shut off… although that’s a story for another day.
Anyway, I didn’t REALIZE how bad I could / would be at being a life coach. First, I was way too young…. although in many ways I’d arleady lived 10 lifetimes by the time I was in my 20s. And second, I was way too intolerant of aspects of humanity to be a very nurturing “life coach.”
I distinctly remember saying things like, “Didn’t we discuss this last week?” or “I can’t talk about how bad your mom was anymore. She’s been dead for 20 years.” or “The best thing about the past is that it’s in the past. What are you going to do today?”
I will admit that what I am going to share made me a lot of money as a life coach…. before I realized that I should NOT continue in that position.
It was during this time
my spaghetti days,
the days in which I was being chased RELENTLESSLY by financial deadlines and obligations,
when I was taking so much action…
that SIMPLE addition would KEEP me JUST SUCCESSFUL enough to stay in this rat race of being just above broke.
Day + day + day would NEVER get me where I needed to be.
Frankly, the 1+1+1 of what I was DOING every day would never / COULD NEVER ADD UP fast enough to give me the escape / reprieve I so desperately needed.
I would HAVE to multiply my efforts.
MORE SPECIFICALLY I would have to multiply the RETURN on my efforts… I would have to:
🔥 Learn how to CREATE and throw FUEL on the things I was already doing consistently;
🔥 PRUNE my current actions so that I could multiply the actions that were actually moving the needle. (The EASIEST and fASTEST way to multiply your income IS subtraction… but more on that tomorrow!)
🔥 Apply the Law of Multiple USE and The Law of Most Return to the work I was producing… to give EACH effort more legs and more miles.
Once I realized that 1+1+1 would NEVER add up to what I needed in terms of both time AND money in my business…
once I realized that the 1+1+1 approach was ACTUALLY going to KEEP me in the frazzled, relentless, money-stretched, time-poor position I was in…
everything changed,
because I DRAMATICALLY changed my approach.
🔥 I accurately assessed where money was coming from;
🔥 I pruned my schedule and actions to CREATE time to do MORE of what was proven (in my business) to work for me;
🔥 I poured FUEL on my actions so that they went further, burned HOTTER and stayed lit longer;
🔥 I identified AREAS where I could create multiplied reach, and FORGED a way onto those stages.
And more…
P.S. I want to share ALL of this with you,
through my MULTIPLY! program…
which will be EARTH SHATTERING for those who go through it, who EMBRACE the concept of multiplication vs. addition, and for those who COURAGEOUSLY prune their marketing, message, offers and more for LEVERAGED success. You can join this program HERE: https://www.bmichellepippin.com/multiply/ If you’ve ignored ALL of my other marketing… 😊 THIS is the program for you.
Whether you sell make up or hair care,
legal services or surgical care,
therapy or accounting,
coaching or midwifery…
if you want MORE money in your business,
and you want to rEDUCE the friction, the relentless schedule, the heart-breaking cycles of feast or famine, THIS is the program for you.
here’s a breakdown of what we have planned, but follow the link above for more:
🔥 Pre-Work Module: STRIPPING BACK
This will begin our work together and will be FREEING and EMPOWERING in a way that you can’t even imagine. We’ll strip away the ties that bind, the stories that keep us stuck, the tasks that have proven fruitless, the habits that hinder our growth, all of it … and — as a result — we’ll FREE ourselves to go into the ring LEAN and ready to build back better!
🔥 Week 1: Taking Responsibility
In week one, we’ll take full responsibility for our actual goals. We’ll identify what “exponential increase” looks like in our businesses and measure against it. We’ll focus on ANY and EVERY way we may be shirking responsibility in our business so far and step into the FULLNESS of our vision. We’ll exchange “ego” for responsibility and this ALONE will propel us further.
🔥 Week 2: Solid Structure
For existing, new and established businesses alike, the desire (or need?) for exponential increase in income DEMANDS a new look at the STRUCTURE of your business. What are you selling? At what price point? To WHOM? How are you getting in front of the right people? What marketing ASSETS do you have and which do you need to create? What is the SIMPLEST way for you to get what you want? Because after 20+ years in business for myself, here is one truth that will NEVER change:
What is simple,
gets done.
bonus truth, applicable to this module: What is CLEAR and CONCISE… brings the cash. 😊
🔥 Week 3: Magnetic Messaging
What do you SAY in a noisy world with millions of other “messengers” trying to sell something online or off? HOW do you say it in a way that isn’t ignored? (HINT: Always assume no one is going to read or hear or see your stuff… and start from THAT perspective. In the age of social media overwhelm, this changes everything.) How does the INTROVERT get and keep attention in a way that doesn’t exhaust them? How can you let the message inside of you OUT in a way that DRAWS the right people to you… with credit card in hand?
This module will help you MASTER the fine art of content marketing. It is my sweet spot and I can’t wait to share it with you.
🔥 Week 4: Empowered Selling
What does EmPOWERED
selling look like?
Vs. need, annoying selling?
It’s all covered in our module 4, but don’t worry…
you’ll have fine-tuned your selling muscle WAY earlier in the program.
🔥 Week 5: Choosing Greater
Back to a bit of mindset here… we’re talking about normal, natural up-leveling in ALL the ways… how to naturally and effortlessly choose GREATER in every area of life that is important to you. This is the key to more income, greater impact and increasing influence in ANY arena.
🔥 Week 6: Multiplied Expansion
This is MULTIPLY! on steroids…how to pour fuel on your business WHENEVER you’d like to speed results, by using tools like media attention, other people’s stages, pages (and lists) as well as affiliate relationships (if you choose that route) and every other little HACK that can MEASURABLY expand a fully leveraged business for MORE income without MORE work.