My husband is a public school teacher – one of the best – and the new school year started this week… so he’s officially back to work! We were talking about his day when he mentioned that one of the best things he does regarding classroom management is make his seating chart.
Apparently, it MATTERS who each kid sits beside. His system? He starts with them seated alphabetically and then strategically moves them around to give them the best chance at success in his class.
Of course, I’m sure many, many teachers do this. It was certainly done when I was in school as well as probably before. But, it got me thinking:
Who do you sit beside?
Are they people who distract you from what you’re up to? Are you sitting next to people who take and take rather than give? Do you sit beside people who really truly want you to succeed? Or beside people who resent – or may even try to sabotage – your success?
Who is in YOUR inner circle? I’m going to pay much closer attention to this over-used cliche regarding who you hang around with…. because, well… it matters. =) And – for the record – I’m THRILLED to be hanging with YOU!
Great post Michelle!
As for me, I always try to sit between people I have never met. Most people go to a networking function and then sit down with all their long-time friends. Makes NO sense to me. If you want to build new relationships, learn new things, and make new contacts, it only stands to reason you’d want to sit next to people you don’t yet know. Right? 😉
Actually, ever since going to Spark and Hustle in Atlanta back in July, I’ve made a conscious effort NOT to “sit by” any negative folks, the naysayers of the world. Yes, I’m all for being ‘realistic’ and practical – to a point. But there was a time when the thought of human beings taking flight sounded pretty crazy too.
So don’t tell me what I can’t do.
Encourage me until I CAN.
This picture was taken at one of our favorite restaurants EVER…. The Fossil Rock Inn in Chesapeake, VA. =)