If you’ve been with me for more than a year, you know what this post is about! It’s your wake up call… Waking up to the possibility still lingering in 2011. Listen, I get it.
I’m already planning for my first ever Make it AMAZING New Year’s Resolution workshop. My plans for 2012 – literally – give me goosebumps every time I look at them and start creating the plans and deadlines that will make them a reality. No doubt, 2012 will be an unforgetable, game-changing year for so many of us…. BUT:
There’s still PLENTY of year left in 2011– if you aren’t quite where you hoped you would be!
My hope is that each of you set goals worthy of your best selves for this year…. Financial goals. Business Goals. Family Goals. Personal Goals. And, if you REACHED these goals, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that it’s the DIRECT result of you changing EACH of those goals into a plan of action, a project… with deadlines, support and accountability. If you’re still a BIT (or more) shy of those goals, there’s no time like the present to pick ONE goal, dust it off, and turn it into a project that you’ll complete in the next four weeks!
This is, of course, a much more exciting thing to do in January than November. In January, you have a blank slate, a “do over”… You are not “behind” – YET. =) You feel empowered to set goals and confident that you can reach them. Fast Forward to today, and, well…. It’s easy to get frustrated, overwhelmed, maybe even discouraged and disheartened. Our goals for 2011 may seem impossible with less than a month to go. BUT: This “stinking thinking” is simply B.S. Don’t buy into it.
Let me ask you a question… What have you done at this time of year in years past? Have you given up? Have you “let yourself off the hook” with secret promises to get back on track “after the holidays”? Not this year, WOW! Factor Entreprenurs …
Not you.
Not THIS year.
Have you ever heard of the 2 – minute drill in football?
(Stick with me please… My Mister is a “sports fanatic”, so I have to know this stuff…) It is an “alarm” that signals the beginning of the last 2 minutes of the game. And TOP teams – even if they are losing… ESPECIALLY if they are losing – do not resign themselves to losing. The impending END of the game motivates them to play harder … play smarter. They are playing to WIN. And MANY MANY points are won in the last two minutes of the game. MANY MANY games are won or lost in those last precious moments.
So, may I challenge you?
I am officially sounding Planet WOW’s OFFICIAL 2 MINUTE ALARM. We have just about 33 days left in 2011. So, dig up your goals.
•REMEMBER your excitement, your hope, and your confidence back in January.
•REFOCUS your efforts to ACCOMPLISH MORE in these last 33 days than you did in the previous 332. You CAN do it… but only if you start NOW!
Tick tock… Tick tock…. Tick tock…. =)
Love this Two-Minute Drill analogy! I’m on it and pushing hard to the very end!! 🙂